TITLE | Composer les mondes |
COUNTRY | France |
YEAR | 2020 |
DIRECTOR | Eliza Levy |
LENGHT | 69′ |
FORMAT | Digital |
SOUND | Marie-Clothilde Chéry, Rana Eid, Florent Lavallée |
MUSIC | Marie-Jeanne Serero |
EDITING | Thomas Courcelle |
PHOTOGRAPHY | Eliza Levy |
PRODUCTION | Amigos Icecream Productions |
How have we made our planet less and less habitable and how can we stop this drift? Philippe Descola, the most commented French anthropologist in the world and heir to Lévi-Strauss, has dedicated his life to shedding light on these questions. Eliza Levy’s film follows her steps through two unique experiences: from life with the Achuar tribes in Ecuador, to the ZAD Zone to Defend in France (Bocage de La Loire), a land saved from concrete where, instead of a pharaonic airport , a new way of being in the world is experienced.